Metropolitan Village
So, here is a slight preview into my life.
Almost 6 years ago a friend of mine left Philadelphia for this great job opportunity in Tokyo. As a result, because I needed a place to move into at the time, took over the lease to his apt.
Since my time here I have grown accustomed to where I live and have enjoyed the conveince of living in a downtown area. Although, I must say my apt. isn't perfect-- for instance, I have this annoying fly in my apt. that has been haunting me all weekend that I can't seem to kill and won't die-- I have really enjoyed the cheap price of my place and the large living space that I have.
Fast forward to the 26th of October of 2006, where I receive a letter from my landlord telling me that he may sell the properties that he has as rental properties (he owns three different ones on my block).
Here is the problem: Everything in my particular area has been going condo-- and I mean everything. Parking lots have been torn down, abandon building and old style brownstones. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is being reserved for renters.
To add insult to injury, they have renamed my area to "Metropolitan Village". The area that I have live(d) in 5 and 1/2 years prior was name Washington West.
Its bugs me that this name transformation has occurred.
Of COURSE, they would need to change the name to make it sound more appealing to all the new condo owners that are potentially evicting me and other renters to move into an area that was pretty great to live in prior to their arrival.
I am sad for myself, because I know that if I move I won't have the steal that I have now, AND I am angry that people have come in, changed my area to make it more appealing, and I probably won't have the benefit of actually being able to stay here to enjoy it.
I am all about gentrification. However, I really don't see why renters have to move and I don't see WHY the name of my area needed to change. My aspirations, now that I am done grad. school is to become a city planner. However, I can't help but to be pretty sad over the fact that I may never reep the benefits of living in area that has been completely transformed.
Maybe I am a little bitter.. But I really have a great lease here and I will be sad if I have to give that up!!
Stay tuned to find out what happens..
Almost 6 years ago a friend of mine left Philadelphia for this great job opportunity in Tokyo. As a result, because I needed a place to move into at the time, took over the lease to his apt.
Since my time here I have grown accustomed to where I live and have enjoyed the conveince of living in a downtown area. Although, I must say my apt. isn't perfect-- for instance, I have this annoying fly in my apt. that has been haunting me all weekend that I can't seem to kill and won't die-- I have really enjoyed the cheap price of my place and the large living space that I have.
Fast forward to the 26th of October of 2006, where I receive a letter from my landlord telling me that he may sell the properties that he has as rental properties (he owns three different ones on my block).
Here is the problem: Everything in my particular area has been going condo-- and I mean everything. Parking lots have been torn down, abandon building and old style brownstones. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is being reserved for renters.
To add insult to injury, they have renamed my area to "Metropolitan Village". The area that I have live(d) in 5 and 1/2 years prior was name Washington West.
Its bugs me that this name transformation has occurred.
Of COURSE, they would need to change the name to make it sound more appealing to all the new condo owners that are potentially evicting me and other renters to move into an area that was pretty great to live in prior to their arrival.
I am sad for myself, because I know that if I move I won't have the steal that I have now, AND I am angry that people have come in, changed my area to make it more appealing, and I probably won't have the benefit of actually being able to stay here to enjoy it.
I am all about gentrification. However, I really don't see why renters have to move and I don't see WHY the name of my area needed to change. My aspirations, now that I am done grad. school is to become a city planner. However, I can't help but to be pretty sad over the fact that I may never reep the benefits of living in area that has been completely transformed.
Maybe I am a little bitter.. But I really have a great lease here and I will be sad if I have to give that up!!
Stay tuned to find out what happens..
At 5:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh shoot! i didn't know about the name change, that's absurd. can you scrape together a down pymt to buy? keep me updated.
At 7:45 AM,
flawedperfection said…
I wish I could afford to buy a place. They are all going for at least 500,000 and I am about 5 years away from actually being able to buy at this point. Right now, I have to start thinking about what place I could rent next. Although it would be nice, if I could get another year (or two) our this place before I had to move..
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