You Go Bill Clinton!
This past weekend I contracted the flu, and BELIEVE ME there is nothing positive about having that experience. However, if there was a highlight to that nightmare, it was being able to view the interview Chris Wallace had with our former President, Bill Clinton.
First, let me start by stating that I hate Fox News. I think their reporting style is nothing like their slogan "Fair and Balanced". In actuality, their style of telling the news is skewed, terribly critical of the Democratic Party, and often reveres President Bush and the Republican party up to this bar where they are never wrong-- even when it so blatantly obvious that they are.
Second, I hate Chris Wallace. Always have dislliked him. His reporting style when he was on ABC was often pompus, cocky and as a interviewer he is terribly swarmy-- just like his father. So, now that he is on Fox news, where they promote this type of poor reporting style, its only natural that he would feel right at home.
There is no question that Bill Clinton made mistakes in his administration, and I don't doubt that he made errors when it came to Bin Laden. However, is it really necessary to put the total blame on him and his administration? Especially when his successsor spend almost half the time he was in office the first nine months on various vacations?
I think Clinton's anger and his ability to speak so eloquently, even after he was so frustrated by Wallace's blatant attempt to accuse him for 9/11 was nothing less than superb. He spoke for all us intelligent people in the world who are sick of being terriorized by the terrorism propoganda that Bush's adminstration-- to quote a phrase another republican nutjbo known as Ann Coluter used in her disgusting book-- loves to marinate the world with.
I am tired of people like Chris Wallace who are so incredibly disrespectful to our past Presidents' from the Democratic Party, because he works for the devil (that would be Ruppert Murdoch).
So, it was nice for me to see Clinton-- the one person that all Democrats hold in high regard-- speak up against the biast Fox performs on a daily basis against the liberal party and people. Clinton, of all people, by protesting his anger at the state of our country, I hope will encourage other liberal leaders to make more of an effort to take control of the congress and senate once again, and give us all hope that there will be a shift from this horrendous downward spiral our country has been experiencing since his lackluster successor and his adminstration started since they took power.
First, let me start by stating that I hate Fox News. I think their reporting style is nothing like their slogan "Fair and Balanced". In actuality, their style of telling the news is skewed, terribly critical of the Democratic Party, and often reveres President Bush and the Republican party up to this bar where they are never wrong-- even when it so blatantly obvious that they are.
Second, I hate Chris Wallace. Always have dislliked him. His reporting style when he was on ABC was often pompus, cocky and as a interviewer he is terribly swarmy-- just like his father. So, now that he is on Fox news, where they promote this type of poor reporting style, its only natural that he would feel right at home.
There is no question that Bill Clinton made mistakes in his administration, and I don't doubt that he made errors when it came to Bin Laden. However, is it really necessary to put the total blame on him and his administration? Especially when his successsor spend almost half the time he was in office the first nine months on various vacations?
I think Clinton's anger and his ability to speak so eloquently, even after he was so frustrated by Wallace's blatant attempt to accuse him for 9/11 was nothing less than superb. He spoke for all us intelligent people in the world who are sick of being terriorized by the terrorism propoganda that Bush's adminstration-- to quote a phrase another republican nutjbo known as Ann Coluter used in her disgusting book-- loves to marinate the world with.
I am tired of people like Chris Wallace who are so incredibly disrespectful to our past Presidents' from the Democratic Party, because he works for the devil (that would be Ruppert Murdoch).
So, it was nice for me to see Clinton-- the one person that all Democrats hold in high regard-- speak up against the biast Fox performs on a daily basis against the liberal party and people. Clinton, of all people, by protesting his anger at the state of our country, I hope will encourage other liberal leaders to make more of an effort to take control of the congress and senate once again, and give us all hope that there will be a shift from this horrendous downward spiral our country has been experiencing since his lackluster successor and his adminstration started since they took power.
At 7:29 AM,
Gigi said… postings of the clinton interview:
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