A day in the life

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Morning After

There is always something about holiday parties and alcohol, that make you looser than you ordinarily would be. Perhaps, because the alcohol is free, or maybe it is the time of year when we all start to reflect on our lives. Or, maybe, it is the one opportunity where you get to be in one room with a bunch of people you know all at once.

Whatever, the reason, I always fall victim to the holiday party excitement and with it, the regrets. I'm always having too much fun at them and as a result of that, waking up filled with regret.

Though, this party I went to yesterday wasn't my worse scene at a party, it certainly wasn't what I call a proud moment. I gossiped endlessly, talked about myself incessantly (and revealed far too personal of information), and i managed to insult a few people with my honesty-- of course all in good fun and unintentionally.

Regardless, antics were played, and fun was to be had. However, I always wonder why I fall victim. I always have too much or no fun at all. There is no middle ground for me in social settings. I wonder if there were, would I be more or less entertaining than I am right now.

I have no doubt as the holidays approach there will be more situations like this and more regrets to be had that my psyche will have to endure. But for the time being, I'll just choke up yesterday's incident one of great fun and of isolation.

Denial can be so good to you, if you know how to use it wisely.


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