A day in the life

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Major Dream Come True, and the Evil Colours that lie beneath peoples skin

A major surreal thing has happened to my best friend's life this week, as well as, to my own life.

Many months ago, after receiving a system-wide message at her work, my Mother nominatetd my best friend's family to be considered as a receipent for the Extreme Makeover Home Edition show. After many inquiries into their lives, and many months later, Ty Pennington arrived outside of their house and told them that they won!

What an amazing, surreal moment for her family, my Mother, and even myself-- just by direct association. Its going to be a great experience for everyone involved and believe me, they are WORTHY of this moment. I don't want to give away the story, because you will see the episode at the end of April, but if you really want to know about their story, please read this article: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=entertainment&id=4014231

I have to say that most people associated, or not associated with my friend's famiy have been incredibly gracious and excited for them. Which is probably good, because I have this HUGE grin on my face since I found out yesterday morning.

However, there have been some people who have shown some really ugly colors since this happened. One person who has shown disdain is a friend of mine and aquaintance of my friend, who wrote to me yesterday, after I told her,that she was surprised they were even quailified for something like this, followed by many very unfavorable comments that are not even worth repeating on here.

The next sign of someone showing some hideous colors is by a reporter who wrote a story on my friend's family getting this incredible gift. The reporter had mistakenly made stated the wrong information of how they got nominated. I e-mailed this reporter this morning, not because my Mother wanted the praise, but because I feel that every story that is written, spoken or otherwise should have accurate information.

The woman acknowledge her error and contacted my Mother, but during the interview with my Mom she told her that the only interesting part of my friend's family's story is that "they didn't nominate themselves." This is far from the truth. As a matter of fact, the ONLY reason they even won was because of their story, not because of my Mother's nomination. As noble as it was of my Mother to nominate my friend's family, the bottom line is that their story is what got them what they so richly deserve.

Fortunately, my friend doesn't read my blog, so she'll never know about the hideous remarks people have made out jealous, resentment, they feel because they were the one who were not chosen.

However, after seeing the ugly colors people can show, it has made me wonder about the world. I know the world isn't perfect, and it isn't somewhere where we will always agree, but I just feel like considering a moment as tantamount as this is, having joy for your fellow man would be come back in style, and not something that would continue to be burried further into the ground.


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