A day in the life

Saturday, July 15, 2006


The Minister and I recently ended our fill in the blank. Most would put in the blank "relationship", but I don't feel it should be categorized as such. What I will say, however, is that for the 2 and 1/2 months we did hang out, we had a good time and I am happy for the experience. However, one of us (me) wanted more, and someone else didn't, so it was time to move on.

With that said, I have begun occupying my free moments with going online and to bars, trying to meet the next great guy.

Its been a lukewarm reception thus far.

However, after going out one evening, I did meet one guy. Well.. I should say I was reintroduced to someone.

It appears that a guy that had met me 5 years before and asked me out, made eye contact with me and hit on me again!

It was really a moment of deja-vu-- well deja-gio (Gio is his name). He hit on me at almost same location where he did once before. He tried to impress me with his muscles, and by telling me he is a "protector of our country" (he's in the army).

The only things that didn't feel like a repeat is the extra weight I am carrying, and how much less hair he had this time around.

However, despite those minor changes, everything truly was the same-- all the way down to the moment when I declined his invitation to take it further than the bar atmosphere. 5 years ago I didn't feel him, and apparently I still don't.

Its funny though having a moment like that because despite how much older you get, or the amount of weight you gain, if someone is attracted to you, to me, it seems that they will always be that way.

The experience, despite its humor and frustration that he didn't remember me at all, gave me the insight to realize that beauty is beyond physical appearnce. And for me, it was kind of nice to see that in action-- even if I couldn't taken advantage of it.


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