A day in the life

Friday, August 04, 2006

Stop Harping On My Liver

One of my very bestfriends, who I have known over a decade, is a lawyer. As one would expect with anyone who is friends with a lawyer, and not a lawyer themselves, she has many friends from her law firm and from her law school.

So, naturally, when we spend time together, it would be assumed that some of these friends would join us. Last night was one of these examples. We decided, my lawyer friend, our other close college friend, and myself to have dinner and catch up, because we are bestfriends with each other and hadn't seen one another for a month and we needed our fix of each other.

My lawyer friend brought along her girlfriend who we met in the past and who is always very polite and even after this story I am about to share, is still a very nice woman.

The evening began as a typical evening. My one friend and I met up and went to this utlra sheek bar in the city, and met up wih my lawyer friends' sister-in-law and her work colleagues. We all had the 3 dollar white wine special--except my friend who is 7 months pregnant-- and ordered an appetizer of calamari and pate' (the pate' was something I wanted more than they did).

When my lawyer friend and her law school friend arrived, the first thing her friend did was *GASP*. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE EATING THAT (referring to the pate'). Now, if she was there when I made this order and did that I would have rescinded it, but since it was already at the table, and I didn't know her issue with it, there was nothing else to do but to eat it in front of her.

She went on and on about how what I am eating is terrible because of how they raise those animalrs, etc. Granted, I am not insensitive to animals right, but i feel if it taste good and I don't have to know where it came from, then I am fine with-- a la Don't ask; Don't Tell.

Anyway, it would have only been slightly irritating if it only happened at that moment, but she went on and on all evening about it-- even after we left that one bar to go to another. It got to the point that I wanted to shuv the pate' in her mouth, so I had a moment of peace.

If you belong to PETA, or any other animal rights organizations, I fully applaud your devotion. However, I will not apologize for liking my lamb chops, wool sweaters--- which by the way, after hearing her rant, she thinks its ok to strip a lamp of all its fur to make her a nice sweater-- somewhat of a contradiction there in her belief system... hmmmmm.., or my pate'.

If you don't like what I am eating, then turn you head and think about something else, and let me digest my food in PEACE.


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