A day in the life

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Major Dream Come True, and the Evil Colours that lie beneath peoples skin

A major surreal thing has happened to my best friend's life this week, as well as, to my own life.

Many months ago, after receiving a system-wide message at her work, my Mother nominatetd my best friend's family to be considered as a receipent for the Extreme Makeover Home Edition show. After many inquiries into their lives, and many months later, Ty Pennington arrived outside of their house and told them that they won!

What an amazing, surreal moment for her family, my Mother, and even myself-- just by direct association. Its going to be a great experience for everyone involved and believe me, they are WORTHY of this moment. I don't want to give away the story, because you will see the episode at the end of April, but if you really want to know about their story, please read this article: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=entertainment&id=4014231

I have to say that most people associated, or not associated with my friend's famiy have been incredibly gracious and excited for them. Which is probably good, because I have this HUGE grin on my face since I found out yesterday morning.

However, there have been some people who have shown some really ugly colors since this happened. One person who has shown disdain is a friend of mine and aquaintance of my friend, who wrote to me yesterday, after I told her,that she was surprised they were even quailified for something like this, followed by many very unfavorable comments that are not even worth repeating on here.

The next sign of someone showing some hideous colors is by a reporter who wrote a story on my friend's family getting this incredible gift. The reporter had mistakenly made stated the wrong information of how they got nominated. I e-mailed this reporter this morning, not because my Mother wanted the praise, but because I feel that every story that is written, spoken or otherwise should have accurate information.

The woman acknowledge her error and contacted my Mother, but during the interview with my Mom she told her that the only interesting part of my friend's family's story is that "they didn't nominate themselves." This is far from the truth. As a matter of fact, the ONLY reason they even won was because of their story, not because of my Mother's nomination. As noble as it was of my Mother to nominate my friend's family, the bottom line is that their story is what got them what they so richly deserve.

Fortunately, my friend doesn't read my blog, so she'll never know about the hideous remarks people have made out jealous, resentment, they feel because they were the one who were not chosen.

However, after seeing the ugly colors people can show, it has made me wonder about the world. I know the world isn't perfect, and it isn't somewhere where we will always agree, but I just feel like considering a moment as tantamount as this is, having joy for your fellow man would be come back in style, and not something that would continue to be burried further into the ground.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Keep Your Hands Off My Plate

Its always fascinating to me the feelings of entitlement people have in the world. This weekend reminded me once again how this feeling will never go out of style.

The other day I went to visit my Mom, we went shopping and just did the typical weekend activities/task. In our trails, we decided to grab some lunch. While we were eating lunch, I decided to have the other half of my food wrapped up- because I was full, and because I am trying to shed some lbs.

After we ate lunch, we back to my Mom's house and I put the package of wrapped food on my Mom's dining room table, and just hung out and watched t.v. As the day progressed, my Uncle (my Mother's brother) who lives with her and my Stepfather, came downstairs, looks at the package, opens it and starts to eat the contents. After eating about a 1/4 of the food, he asks: "Does this belong to anyone?" . My natural response wanted to be "YES, IT WAS MINE AND I WANTED IT." However, I didn't want for my Mom to be subjected to my anger toward him, so I told him it was my food, and he can just eat it anyway.

This isn't the first time my Uncle had done this. He does this a lot, and he has this incredibly rude habit of even walking around the table and just grabbing off your plate without even asking. Now, granted, I don't mind sharing with someone, but I hate when people think it is ok for them to just take, take, take. This is especially true when it comes to someone's food. If I have a plate of food, its because I am hungry and because I want to eat what's on my plate.

To be someone who doesn't like others to eat off of his plate, I realize that I might be in the minority. However, I am starting to think what is bothering me more isn't the fact that people take off my plate as much as it is that the lack of manners that people have when it comes to others personal space.

I feel that people should keep their hands on their own plate and if they are interested in eating/trying something someone else is eating-- they should ask and not just grab. If by chance that the person you're asking is gracious enough to allow you to have some of their food, take the time to thank them for their generous gift. Also, and more importantly, even if they don't, at least be understanding that they have it on their plate for a reason, and it wasn't so you can take half of it for yourself.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Does He Notice Me?

For anyone who has never seen the movie Never Been Kissed, there is a seen where Drew Barrymore's character is a geek in high school, and with all her grace (or lack thereof) she stands in front of her classmates and voices this poem that she wrote titled "Does He Notice Me", in the hopes of obtaining the affections from the most popular boy in school.

Her attempt winds up having a tragic outcome, but by the end of the movie, she finds herself with the man of her dreams..

You must be wondering why I am giving you this explanation.

Well, I have a crush on a boy. Not just an oridnary boy, but an extroadinary man, who just so happens to be the Teacher Assistant for one of my classes. Do I know that he likes me? No. Do I know that he is even gay? No. However, there have been moments when I felt like there has been something there, but I have also been known for my hyper-imagination and for my flawless ability to fall for the wrong men.

Each friend that I have told this to, except for one of my gay friends, has told me "Wait-- don't do anything while you are in the class". They have been telling to survey the situation and at the end of the semester, go for it. They said its important for me to follow this guideline, because, if for some reason, we date and it doesn't workout, I won't have to deal with him or rely on him to answers questions that I have involving my class.

I know there advice makes sense and I ordinarily would follow their advice..

However, and this is a big HOWEVER, I can't get him off of my mind. He is just sooo nice, and kind, and of course extremely helpful with all of my classwork. Also, and more importanly, he is graduating in May and moving to NYC, and it just feels like this is my moment. I feel I must make my move.

I know everything has a price, and only the highest odds have the best payoffs, however, I have been hurt, and I am damaged, and more importantly I am... scared-- there I said it. I am just not sure if I tell him or attempt to tell him, I could handle another rejection, another let down, and another moment of wondering why I am (and it does feel this way after the rejection comes) the only one who is missing their chance for love.

So, audience, what should I do? Should I take the chance, or am I being just as delusional about this as Drew's character was in Never Been Kissed?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Psychotic Men and Their Magnetism Toward Me

I am SO tired of going out to meet some decent men and all I find are psychos!

There are two boys who I had met out at the bars, who have seemed to have plauged me ever since I layed eyes on them.

The first guy is Dr. Psycho. You may remember him from earlier posts (Freaks/ Geeks/And Everyting In between, and Playing the Field/Knowing the Game). Ever since I went out with him a million moments ago, he has been staring at me at the bars. Everytime I am out with my friends, I see his eyes looking at me from afar. I know what you might be thinking-- I am just thinking that way because we are in the same room. Really that is not the case. This psycho has been so clear about his stares, that a few of my friends have said to me: Some guy is staring at you. While others, who know the story of what went down between me and him have said, We need to move, because he's freaking ME out with the stares he is giving you.

I am not going tell you that I am so hot that boys can't get enough of me (admittedly, I wish this was the case). However, I don't know how to get this guy to leave me alone. He leaves in June for the South, and I feel now, ever since we went out, that I need to count the milliseconds until he leaves my life. Every time we are in the same room, its so incredibly awkward, and I don't know how to signal (other than the middle finger), to him to get a life, blink his eyes and leave me be.

Any suggestions?

The next psycho I have a torturous experience is with this guy who I met a while ago. The guy, older than me in age, has two teen age children, and just came out. We met a while ago at my favorite smokey bar. While I knew when I first met him that it probably wouldn't work out romantically, I thought he was nice. He bought me drinks, and really made me feel special (which romance is all about, right?), and we had one decent kiss. However, after that one nice evening, we both moved into different directions, and kept in touch as friends, through Instant Messaging.

I was really happy because I felt I made new friend..

Wrong again.

Apparently, my sugggestion to get together, and saying "I understand, it would have been fun though", after he said he was busy, was received with "What do you mean by that?", I was like " Nothing (PSYCHO), just what I said", that was followed with "ok". Anyway, to make a long story longer, I said I feel like I pissed you off and I don't know why, which was followed with another "ok", which caused me to say have a nice life.

I really didn't give much more thought about the situation until we were out at the same bar where we met, and having him be "HI-- HOW ARE YOU?" (SO FAKE!) , which caused me to put my hand up to his face as if he wasn't even talking to me. This action cauased him to Instant Message me a few days later to say that I was being mean to him, and causing him to forget the conversation we had, and how he was completely wrong. We basically left it with me telling him he's got a failed memory, and until he can formulate a better apology, my fingers don't have the energy type anything else to him.

What a Jackass.

I am starting to fee like I am a magnet for all the Losers and Assholes in my community, and feel like no matter how hard I try to shake them, I cannot. I know there are other people out there who have had this same problem... With that said, if you are one of those people and are reading this post, what did you do to get rid of them, or how did you handle the situations I am dealing with right now?

Smokey Bars and the Monetary Damages it Causes..

In my most recent quest for true, unconditional love, I have been pushing myself to become more motivated to go out to the bars and see what lies out there for me.

So far, the only things that it has brought me is a higher dry cleaning bill.

Last night, I went out to my favorite gay bar, and my one friend who I went with suggested that we check our coats. Since Mondays are Karaoke night at this bar, I thought it would be safe to put our coats on the back of our chairs. However, my memory failed to remind me that many people smoke in the bar, and by that crazy circumstance, my clothes, hair, and eyes reaked of cigarette smoke-- so much so that I have to take the coat I wore (the one I thought would be safe on my chair) to the dry cleaners to be fumigated.

There's 7.50 I could have saved, if was smarter.

Although many of my friends smoke, I do not. With that said, my town needs to ban smoking in bars. They have done it in NYC, Delaware and Boston. Its time that they did it in my city. So what if my friends have to leave the bar every five mintues to smoke--- they shouldn't be smoking anyway. Its time to end the chaos of what cigarettes causes for those of us who don't smoke. We non smokers should feel like we can go somewhere, look nice, and not have to worry at the end of the evening whether you hair smells like an ashtray!

Non-smokers must unite and say, we don't want to have your second hand smoke, smokers, and save $$$ on bills for our dry cleaning, lens cleaners and shampoo.

Let's stop the madness TODAY!

P.S. To all my smoker friends who read my posts. I still love you, I just hate your habit.